About the inactive enrollment status

If you do not take any measurable action in UX Academy or Career Services for two consecutive weeks, your enrollment will be flagged as inactive. While your enrollment status is inactive, you’ll be unable to post submissions, mark lessons as complete, or schedule 1:1 sessions with your mentor.

Additionally, out of respect for your mentor’s time, when your enrollment is flagged as inactive, the system will free up your mentor’s capacity so that they can have the opportunity to be matched with new, active students.


How to prevent your enrollment from being flagged as inactive

As long as you’re taking measurable actions every week on the platform, your enrollment status will remain active. Measurable actions include but are not limited to posting submissions for project deliverables, marking lessons as complete, and scheduling or attending 1:1 mentor sessions. Please note that activity in Huntr (for Career Services) or activity in Group Crits will not prevent your enrollment from being flagged as inactive.

If you’re planning to take a break from the program, the best thing to do is request a pause in UX Academy or Career Services. While your enrollment status is paused, your enrollment won’t be flagged as inactive, and when your pause is finished, the two-week timer will reset. 


How community breaks impact the activity requirement

You are not required to make progress on your coursework during any of our community breaks. For the purpose of detecting inactivity, the platform will disregard those time periods. For example, if you don’t take any measurable action for four days, and then there is a week long community break, you will still have ten days after the break to take an action before your enrollment is flagged as inactive.


How to reactivate your enrollment

If your enrollment is flagged as inactive and it's within 12 months from your course start date, you can reactivate your enrollment by clicking the "Reactivate Now" button in your dashboard.

If you’d like to resume the program and it's been more than 12 months since your course start date, or if you have used all of your mentor sessions, please contact us to determine the best next steps. You can either reply to the notification email about your enrollment being flagged as inactive or reach out to us here.