What does it mean to iterate and create different versions in UX Academy?

Designlab’s learning platform gives you the option to upload multiple versions of any project. This means that after you get feedback from your mentor on each submission, you can do some more work on the project to address the points they raised, and then upload a new and improved version!

In professional design this cycle of submission, feedback, and revision is known as iteration. It’s an essential skill for any practicing designer, and it’s therefore a discipline that we’ve chosen to build into our courses. In an educational context, this iterative process also helps you learn much more quickly.

In practice, you’ll find that the time available for iteration is often limited. Choosing to constrain the time you spend on any single iteration can be an extra source of creative discipline.

For example, by committing to spend no more than one hour on the next iteration, you’re also limiting the amount of time you spend on the work before you get further feedback—helping to ensure that your project stays on the right track.

For an example of the power of an iterative design process, check out this case study by Annie Devine, a successful UX Academy graduate and design intern here at Designlab.