What should I do when my student does not pass portfolio review?
We want to make sure every student produces a successful portfolio to enter the workforce. The portfolio review panelists review each portfolio and suggest changes in accordance with our rubric to ensure students all exhibit skills that lead to successful job searches in Career Services.
Not passing the portfolio review is actually not a setback — please communicate this with your student. We are just allotting a little more time to focus on polishing the portfolio without the distractions of course material. After all, this is the most important personal branding asset the student will carry with them in the coming months.
We will provide you and the student with additional time and sessions to work together. Please ask your student to share the feedback from their portfolio review, and create a game plan to tackle the changes necessary.
When you feel like the student’s portfolio is ready to be reviewed again, ask your student to send in a second submission. Make sure you’ve pushed them to think about the portfolio as their personal brand asset and be sure to touch upon storytelling and content as well.
Your student relies on your professional eye and extensive knowledge for this — don’t let the opportunity pass!
Please note the following based on your students' launch dates:
- Students launched prior to May 23, 2022, will have up to 8 additional weeks and 4 additional mentor sessions to make these changes.
- Students launched after May 23, 2022, will have up to 4 additional weeks and 2 additional mentor sessions to make these changes. This resubmission period has been adjusted due to the course length increase for cohorts launched after this date.
- Students can resubmit their portfolios multiple times during this window.